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Results for "author_first: Denise , author_last: Breton "
God's wisdom made us lovers of one another God's wisdom made us lovers of one another
Self-knowledge begins with inner observation Self-knowledge begins with inner observation
The yardstick is transformation The yardstick is transformation
Love, Soul and Freedom Mystical flow between the visible and invisible.
Rumi in Love, Soul and Freedom The cloud weeps, and then the garden sprouts
The Mystic Heart of Justice Denise Breton and Stephen Lehman on mystic justice, or being with our whole being.
The Mystic Heart of Justice Convincingly re-imagines justice as a friend of our soul and an enhancer of community well-being.
Love, Soul and Freedom A meditation on Rumi's sacred poetry as a catalyst for personal and societal renewal.
The Paradigm Conspiracy A critique of the institutions in America which seek to control our lives.
The Soul of Economies Compels us to re-think our views on these subjects.